We trust to Thy mercy, now as ever, the souls of those men and women who have lost their lives by the hand of the evil one;
So too we offer our prayers for their loved ones, left alone and bereaved, that they may always find more peace and consolation.
The enemy destroyed their bodies, Lord, and the vessels of his wrath dared call it a service to God!
But Thou, the One and Only God, can snatch victory from the talons of the enemy,
For although he saw these brethren killed in body, Thou canst see to it that eternal death shall not claim them;
But Thou, the One and Only God, can snatch victory from the talons of the enemy,
For although he saw these brethren killed in body, Thou canst see to it that eternal death shall not claim them;
Thou canst see the enemy fall into rage and despair that he could not kill the souls of those whose bodies he treated with such ill regard!
How long, Lord, must your servants await vindication?
We know that the enemies against whom we fight the war are not flesh and blood;
We know that the enemies against whom we fight the war are not flesh and blood;
Against our fellow man we do not ask revenge, nor do we seek the destruction of mortals.
But who shall avenge us against the true enemy of all humanity, the serpent, the devil?
Who shall vindicate us against the prince of darkness and his fallen angels?
Who shall vindicate us against the prince of darkness and his fallen angels?
Who shall see them reduced from their pride and their victory, made desolate so that they shall cry tears?
Who shall see them made low, the dragon reduced to a worm, his elite soldiers made into beggars?
Who shall see the powers of hell, which roar so that the foundations of the world are shaken,
Made impotent so that their roar becomes a whimper?
Who indeed shall cut out their fangs, shatter their swords, and bind them in flame and darkness as they once bound the helpless?
It is God on High, the Lord of Hosts! Thou shalt repay their atrocities in kind!
Thou shalt come in a cloud of glory with thy celestial army, a Mighty Lion leading a host of giants,
So that the dragons look small in Thy presence!
Thou shalt roar, and they shall be deafened!
So that the dragons look small in Thy presence!
Thou shalt roar, and they shall be deafened!
Thou shalt strike, and they shall be dashed asunder!
Thou shalt bind, and they shall never be loosed!
Thou shalt win victory after victory, until the world shall look upon Thee in praise, singing
"Blessed is the Lord, Who has delivered us from the hands of so great an enemy!"
Then shall the Lamb of God, His Likeness and His Glory, shine brighter than the brightest star,
And the Spirit of God shall dwell in His people.
Then shall they dwell at peace, One God and One People, and we shall be ever with Thee, our God!
And the Spirit of God shall dwell in His people.
Then shall they dwell at peace, One God and One People, and we shall be ever with Thee, our God!
For this we ache, we pray; we wait in confidence, even as we implore with great longing!
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, and by the power of the Holy Spirit we entreat Thee, Almighty Father,
Until the Day of the Lord comes upon us.
Until the Day of the Lord comes upon us.
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